PRIVATE LESSONS AVAILABLE YEAR ROUND - pricing based on your needs
If you need help with some training now, please call and we can arrange a private lesson either at your home or in the training centre. Depending on what you need help with, in your home we can work on greeting behaviours at the door, counter surfing, puppy training/house training. Help with heeling, recalls, socialization is better to do here as we have space and can bring out dogs to help teach your dog social skills and help you learn how to handle your dog better around other dogs. CALL 403-949-2963 or email to discuss your training needs. Classes & Workshops HEEL - STAYS - RECALL - MANNERS - SOCIAL SKILLS Puppy Class - October 19 at 11:30 Novice Class - October 19 at 10:30 These classes will be limited in numbers, 4 weeks - once a week, one hour. Details: Classes held at 210007 Hwy 762, Bragg Creek, AB Email: [email protected] Call: 403-949-2963 PUPPY CLASSES $160.00 A great introduction for your new puppy. Basic obedience commands, good manners and socialization all add up to a fun class that you and your puppy will be sure to enjoy! Limited classes run throughout the year. Call for dates. Requirements: must have proof of vaccinations (at least the first set) and be between 10-24 weeks of age. NOVICE OBEDIENCE $160.00 A structured and informative class for any dog. Work on Heeling on Leash, Sit & Down Stays, Motivational and Distraction Recalls. Teach your dog to respond to commands the first time you ask, even around distractions. Social skills are important for any dog - this class focuses on teaching you how to properly socialize your dog with other dogs and people. Requirements: Must show proof of vaccinations and be at least 6 months of age. Workshops - $75.00 Refreshers - $60.00 Create a Class - quoted per class Get some of your friends together and arrange for a private class at Blue Ribbon Training Centre. Call and we can discuss what your needs are and what would work best. Download Registration/Request Form ENROLL TODAY: 403.949.2963 |